Camp Location
Unite does not own a camp facility. We are working with local facilities to offer this outdoor educational experience. The location may vary. Both camp properties are located about 10 minutes East from Shingletown on hwy 44.
Lassen Pines
8071 Mineral Road, Shingletown, CA 96088
Telephone: Camp (530) 474-3160
From Redding: Take Hwy 44 east. After you pass through Shingletown it is about ten minutes to Lassen Pines. Turn right onto mineral road, to access the parking lot.

Mt. Meadows
Camp Address:
7100 Arrowhead Rd, Shingletown, CA 96088
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 494591, Redding, CA 96049
Follow HWY 44 East, turn right on LONG HAY FLAT RD. Look for unite sign the turn is about 10 minutes from Shingletown. You will see signs for Unite/Mt. Meadows along the way. The road will turn to a dirt logging road that is maintained. Once at the camp property take a left at the Y to enter the upper parking lot.